Spice Up Your Garden with Creative Ideas!

4. Use cardboard to kill grass.

Supplies Required: Compost, mulch, or cardboard sheets Making It Cost: $20* Your grass doesn't have to be turned into a planting bed by hours of backbreaking shovelling. All you really need, instead, are a few cardboard sheets. Use cardboard sheets to cover the grass where you wish to create a low-maintenance bed. Put the sheets in a shingle arrangement.

Grass Death by Cardboard Copyright: Aleksandr Bryliaev, stock.adobe.com. After that, cover the cardboard with four to six inches of mulch or compost. Wet the whole thing till it's compacted. After two months, wait to take the cardboard off. You'll discover that the soil has absorbed the nutrients and social structure needed for the growth of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.

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