You Won't Believe These Incredible Coincidences

3. The Ideal Present

What transpired was that a Christmas present that was, in fact, Where: Not confirmed This guy opened his presents while wearing the same shirt that he had managed to get for Christmas. He can use the second shirt as a backup when the first is in the laundry, so at least you know he likes it.

Pinterest/@emisorasunidas: The Ideal Present That appears to be the case every Christmas, particularly if you have a big family. It's not always a terrible thing when someone receives a present they already have. Having a backup is always a smart idea in case the first iteration is damaged.

4. The matrix's glitch

What transpired was that several blonde chicks attended a football game. Where: United States. This picture was taken at a college football game by someone who was struck by how similar the hairstyles of all the girls in the first rows were. Maybe they belong to the same sorority or friend group.

Error within the matrix Reddit /r/mildlyinteresting With a few notable exceptions, every girl has lustrous, long, dark blonde hair that falls over her shoulders. The hair appears gorgeous! Seeing the identical locks one after the other is really strange.

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