Although they may not be as colourful as their ripe counterparts, green tomatoes still provide nearly the same essential components. They include significant amounts of vitamin A for eye health, vitamin C for heart disease prevention, and dietary fibre for healthy weight maintenance. Along with vitamin B3 (niacin), folate, and potassium, which reduce blood pressure, they also contain
A vitamin
Vitamin A, which is abundant in tomatoes and supports good vision and the immune system, is also a significant source of dietary fibre and potassium. One large green tomato has 10% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin A for humans.
According to studies, the glycoalkaloid tomatine, which is present in green tomatoes, may help lower the risk of heart disease. In addition, this substance promotes muscular growth and guards against upcoming muscle atrophy, according to experts at the University of Lowa.
Lycopene and other nutrients are present in greater quantities in green, purple, and brown tomatoes than in red tomatoes. For a tasty boost of nutrition, try adding them to sauces and salads. Green tomatoes include soluble fibre, which can also help with digestion and cholesterol reduction. 2 grammes of fibre can be found in a large green tomato.
C vitamin
Due to their high content of the disease-fighting carotenoid pigment lycopene, red tomatoes are a preferred option. They are also a great source of potassium, vitamin C, and folate, all of which are good for the heart.
Solanine, a strong phytonutrient found in green tomatoes, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, heart-healthy, and nutrient absorption-improving characteristics. The plant is a strong source of potassium, calcium, and iron and also includes vitamins A and K.
More vitamin C is found in one medium green tomato than in one cup of cooked spinach, or approximately 48% of the daily required intake. The body is better able to absorb iron from other meals, such as legumes like beans and lentils, thanks to vitamin C. Niacin and folate, which decrease cholesterol, are also found in the plant. They contain a lot of fibre that fills the gut and are low in salt.
E vitamin
The antioxidant vitamin E is present in green tomatoes. This nutrient, which contributes to the protection of your eyesight by generating healthy white blood cells and promoting proper cell division, is present in medium-green tomatoes in amounts of 790 international units. Additionally, it protects against cancer, promotes heart health, and ensures that your body effectively absorbs Vitamin K, which is crucial for effective blood clotting.
Both green and red tomatoes have the same amount of tomatine, which is a glycoalkaloid with antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and nutrient absorption-boosting effects. Additionally, tomatine aids in preventing liver cancer.
2 grammes of dietary fibre, an essential ingredient for your digestive and cardiovascular systems, are present in one cup of cooked green tomatoes. Additionally, fibre can aid with weight management and a consistent appetite.
Although they are by nature immature and unripe, green tomatoes nonetheless contain a number of vital elements. They provide vitamins A, which protects against eye damage, and C, a potent antioxidant. Acetylsalicylic acid, which can be used to treat varicose veins, is also present in them.
Potassium, which can lower high blood pressure and lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes, is abundant in tomatoes. They also include dietary fibre, which lowers cholesterol and helps stave off heart disease. Two grammes of soluble fibre—10% of the 2 grammes of fibre in a large green tomato—are present.
Tomatine, an alkaloid found in large quantities in green tomatoes, has been shown to protect the heart. Additionally, they give Vitamin C, which, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements, promotes immunological health and may offer some protection against cardiovascular disease.
The body is hydrated and kept satisfied by the 94 percent water that green tomatoes contain. For people who exercise, the hydration boost is particularly crucial because it helps prevent constipation.
Green tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C despite not having the same amount of lycopene as red tomatoes. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the vitamin C in green tomatoes helps the immune system work properly and defends against free radicals, which are charged particles that can harm healthy cells.
For a fresh item, a large green tomato has only 24 milligrammes of salt. The vegetable also contains a lot of potassium, a mineral that balances sodium's effects and reduces blood pressure. Additionally, potassium lowers the risk of heart disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in blood vessels.